Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Green Weenie Award

Some time ago reading and viewing Alan Simpson, aka uncle AL, had a great concept for our officials who are going against the grain in our society.  "Give Them The Green Weenie"  No creature represents this better than Godzilla, which we'll have him pounding into their butts and get King Kong to push for better penetration!

Yesterday was talking to a close friend, this individual wished to get sick and die because all the crap going on in our society. (wow, that crushed me) Nobody knows this better than myself from fighting corruption with local law enforcement in Carroll County IL. for 18 years now that destroyed my ex-wife and tried to make me look like the monster because I exposed their butts!  These corrupted officials offered me $150,000 to walk away. (oh this goes deep)  Well, this Halloween all these buggers damaging our society are going to be receiving The Green Weenie Award!

The time has come, this is a submarine at great depth which is going to implode, for too long America has had an enemy from within!  Hang on my friend we've been working on this a long time, my life clock is involved in this for you, my family, friends and people of this country who don't know me.  That's why I created rightwiththeship, don't give up my friend, I'd rather die than step off the battlefield and I'm not dead yet!

Time for some incoming!

The Next News Network

Next artillery allocation is going to soften the area of corruption in our country.   Evidence of corruption and criminal conduct has gone ignored too long!

Fox News

It was Planned long Ago

Swear to God, on my Father's grave I can count on both hands and then some the times I've should of been Smoked!

That's not including pixie threats and\or attempts, I left that available.

Epic Music World

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