Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Ticking Time Bomb went Boom!

Q mentions watch the news May 23rd.

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau (FBI) and are sickened by James Comey’s behavior and Andrew McCabe and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch and the thugs like John Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs,” former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller Tuesday. (from Zero Hedge)

“They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.” (BreitBart)

Here it Comes

For starters, after President Trump was elected, President Putin (aka The Russian 'Patton') of Russia is elected for 6 more years!

President Putin's Translator

Thank You Baker

Tasty Bread on Syria (click to expand)

Listening to Admiral James Lyons Speak at the Citizens Commission on Benghazi in 2013, we knew then we had problems.

Slow Train Coming

Could use a little Sauce

Moving Forward

White collar crime undermines the rule of law, defrauds victims, and disrupts the marketplace. Our goal is to deter crime, and we can only do that by holding accountable the perpetrators who break the law to gain a competitive advantage.

Maryland Detective recognized for capturing Pedophile

Train approaching the Station

The Commander in Chief of  'The American Train' explains something.

A word from The Commander in Chief

What do We have Here?

From IgorGirkin:  За минулу добу, 28 травня, в районі проведення операції Об’єднаних сил інтенсивність бойових дій залишається стабільно високою, обстановка складною та контрольованою. шість наших військовослужбовців отримали поранення

Last day, May 28, in the area of the Joint Forces operation, the intensity of combat operations remains stable, the situation is complex and controlled.  Six of our troops were injured.

Bonus Read on The Deep State (Thanks Anon!)

Playing Board Exposed

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